So it seems has had a spark in SEO performance as of October. This does not come to that much of a surprise with the none stop work of its found Tony James Nelson II that has dedicated weeks to ranking for keywords like billie eilish doja cat, six minutes slim shady you re on and rap god eminem lyrics fast part.
Something like SEO require day in and out hard work and people always have to keep in mind they are not the only one trying to rank for that key word in the long run. Sometimes its about what you write meaning you would rank for keywords that you are not even trying to rank for. Like superhuman lyrics eminem and uh summa lumma dooma lumma lyrics all in trying to rank for Rap God Lyrics.
You find yourself gaining on keywords based on the content that you write. Sometimes you have the option of focusing on a few keywords like login or roo vet login both leading to the same place in return. But the important thing is to try to rank for as many keywords as possible without trying.
Mr. Nelson says he has gained 18 extra keyword ranking trying to rank for Rap God Lyrics and the fact that he’s ranking for rap god lyrics summa lumma and rap god fast verse lyrics he not complaining. And somewhere along the line he started ranking for old nelson ii.
Currently he is focused on ranking for the keyword roo and its not that hard but it seems so and he has uptained the keyword roo bag in return. Its said at times he like to take a break and play games on his phone to pass the time . He plays games like last shelter survival and listens to shagusto on roovet sound app.
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